Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What do I do with Vanilla Beans!

Just got back from another great weekend of school in New York. Hope you did not miss me too much.

My dancing partner, Norma, gave me some vanilla beans as a gift this weekend. This is what you make pure vanilla out of. These are not easy to come by. That is why we typically use "imitation vanilla". Now that I have this wonderful gift I have no clue what to do with them. They certainly smell nice. So if anyone out there knows what to do with these aromatic twiggy things please drop a comment or send me an email.

Stay Positive,



Rachel Maeroff said...

I'm pretty sure that you can make your own vanilla extract by soaking them in alcohol (I'd go with a good quality vodka probably) for some time. I imagine a quick search on google will give you better instructions.

And enjoy! I'm jealous!

Anonymous said...

Martha Stewart actually has a lot of recipes utilizing vanilla beans. You might check her website for some ideas.