Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Food of the Heart

I know it's been a while....but you positive eaters out there never leave my heart. I've been to New York and back and a little bit of everywhere the last two weeks and thought. I am going to make a lunch today from my heart. There is no scientific evidence to say that Red Peppers and Green Beans with Rice lightly flavored with Sweet Pea Soup is "certified Heart Healthy".
What I am talking about is making food from your heart. We should always love and appreciate our food. When we make food for others this is a chance to love and appreciate them. When I made this lunch I really tried to stay in my heart....I even listened to Tracy Chapman's Matters of the Heart album while preparing it. I know I am a big softy....but Tracy Chapman is cool and she is from Massachusetts!

It is important to put your heart in everything you do. But that can get stressful for people....so I recommend starting with your cooking. I promise you it will radiate out into other areas of your life


stay in your heart,


Sweet Brown Rice with Sweet Red Pepper and Sweet Peas Soup

Sweet isn't it?

One or Two Red Bell Peppers
Three Handfuls of Green Beans
2 Cups of Sweet Brown Rice
4 Cups of Water
2 cups of Sweet Pea Soup

Remember we use a 2:1 ratio with our rice and water! I cooked this rice up in my rice cooker and right before it was finished cooking off all the water I added the soup and the vegetables. I let this simmer for a bit and then enjoyed!


Anonymous said...

My favorite entry (other than the kids). And I bet Ray Germain would fully appreciate the colors in your picture. So nice, bright, and complementary. :)


Anonymous said...