I would like to introduce you to Raymond Tu. He operates the Sushi Bar at Whole Foods Market in Andover, MA. As a native New Englander I vowed to never eat raw fish. Fish was meant to be cooked, that was simply the New England way. Well the tricky things with vows is nothing can stop you from breaking them. I don't know how it happened but one day I drifted over to the Sushi Bar and picked up some spicy tuna rolls. I was hooked! I've been eating Sushi on a weekly basis since then.
The Sushi that Raymond and Lye Tu make is of superior quality. They make it with loving and caring attention. Their customers are truly blessed. This post is not meant to be an advertisement. It simply must be stated that Raymond and Lye Tu are the most positive people I've ever seen preparing food. I am under obligation as an international expert on the practice of positive eating to let you know about them. They are setting the path for putting love into food. Ry Chi has experienced an actual sensation of physically being hugged after eating their wonderful Sushi plates.
You don't have to take my word for it. They are the recipients of numerous awards for their fantastic service and there is often a line of people picking up combo plates and Sushi platters.
I also want to thank Ry Chi for taking the photo above. Doesn't Raymond just look like he can't wait to serve you Sushi!
stay positive,
Its true, I did actually feel like someone was hugging me one day after eating the sushi.
These two are so positive, I really feel their energy in the sushi they prepare.
I also like how i'm welcomed so warmly everytime I approach the sushi area in whole foods.
Raymond and Lye Tu are truly remarkable people.
Thank You Matt for dedicating a blog post to these fine individuals.
Ry Chi
Rumor has it that Ray and Lye are being kicked out, to be replaced by Whole Foods own sushi people. If that happens, it will be a huge loss.
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