I know it sounds like a stretch but I now carry the foremost in fashion statements when it comes to handbags. I am not talking Louis Vitton, Coach or Kate Spade (how do I know these names????) I am talking reusable shopping bags! Everyone is getting them. You simply leave them in your car and uses them to lug around your groceries while shopping. Let me tell you I prefer this! You know how many times I went to the grocery store and there were no available hand baskets!
I also want you to notice that the Whole Foods bag featured in the photo is authentic. You can tell it is a real Whole Foods reusable shopping bag by the darker green spheres inside the apple graphic. The knockoffs can't reproduce that! The bags they give me at school are also great. They are simple and functional. Plus, if people ask me about Integrative Nutrition I get to talk about using food as a way to bring positivity into your life. Which is simply my favorite topic of conversation.
If you don't want to be left in the fashion dust yet again I recommend picking up a reusable shopping bag. The real ones are 99 cents. You may find a knock-off for 5 or 6 cents...but why not treat yourself and get the real thing!
stay positively fashionable,
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