Who wants to eat the same thing two days in a row. I never do. I love to mix it up, mash it up and blend when it comes to my meals! Every time I noticed that every time I make pizza sauce there is a ton of tomato juice leftover. Today I decided to do something about it. This morning I sprinkled some rosemary and salt into the juice. I also put 1/4 cup of milk in as well because one time I saw on a can of tomato juice from the store that they added milk.....so I did too. I grabbed a can of tomato paste and headed into work.

After blending the tomato juice (with added milk, rosemary and salt) and the paste I headed to the back conference room and found an outlet. I plugged in my rice cooker with the soup inside and let it simmer all morning. After three hours of simmering the entire room was filled with the wonderful aroma of tomato and rosemary.

I enjoyed this soup with come multi-grain bread and crunchy peanut butter....because a man (or woman) cannot live on soup alone.....well actually I think I could!

Stay Positive,
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