I brought this into the back room and clicked the pot to "cooking". When I got back to my desk I set my timer for 25 minutes. As soon as the timer went off I went to the back room and stirred this absolutely aromatic mixture of potatoes and vegetables! I backed the rice cooker of to "Keep Warm" and let it sit for about three hours. At noon time, Matt L., Ry Chi and me headed to the back room for what truly was a pleasurable eating experience. The smell was so wonderful that it attracted three people into the the back room to see what was cooking.
Our Positive Eating Clubhouse is officially compromised. It's okay...the humorous company was enjoyable for a change! I don't know what I will do if they all start wanting me too cook for them!
stay positive,
1 comment:
Start a restaurant! Charge those invaders who want food!
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