Here I am with the most positive group of preschoolers you could ever imagine. See me in the middle! In order to protect these children and abide by state and local laws I am not able to show you their priceless faces. Fortunately, these smily faces on the sticks were used in their activity and we were able to take this funny shot of us all in the classroom.
A very wonderful young woman who I went to both college and high school with was nice enough to invite me into her classroom and gave me an opportunity to talk to her students about positive eating. Eating is all about having fun, right?! Well we had a blast. We all discovered which foods make us smile and which foods make us grimace. No matter what our particular taste we found a way to enjoy these foods no matter what and we made these awesome faces!

If you want to do this activity with your children....I've copied it below.
Let me know how it goes!
Stay positive,
Make A Face With Your Food!
Healthy habits begin with our earliest memories. Use simple and fun exercises like this one to make eating wholesome foods a fun experience for everyone involved!
- Pita Pockets
Cherry Tomatoes
Alfalfa Sprouts - Start with some pita bread. Separate the pocket into two pieces. Pita pockets are made in wheat, whole wheat and oat bran varieties. Experiment and see which works best with your child
- Hummus, this chickpea and sesame based spread can be used for gluing fruit and vegetable pieces onto the pita pocket. Other ideas: peanut and other nut butters, cream cheese, honey
- With the inner surface of the pocket face up let child experiment using the food to make a face. This will foster a relationship between healthy food and the childs creative center. It also saves you prep time!
- Prompt your child just enough so that they are able to establish appropriate facial structure. Leave lots of room for imagination!
- Take time to admire their work and then let them eat their creation. If the child does not want to ruin their work use already cut pieces to make a standard Hummus and Veggie Sandwich.
Matthew Germain
Health Counselor
Love the picture! But which one are you? ;)
Best Class EVERR!!!
and Best post ever too :)
adorable, as you promised.
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