You know something....everyone at work has all these tricks for how to keep their lawn looking perfect. There maybe something to that. In this affluent society we seek the best of anything. Whether it be a perfect house or a perfect car. Now look at us. We have this nice big lawn. People might say 'jeez Ray you really should pull those weeds up in your lawn, you would have a wonderful looking green lawn.' You want to know something. As I look out at all these dandelions....I can't help but admit, I kind of like they way they look
So in honor of Ray's wisdom I decided to eat some dandelion greens. The grass is now reappearing and it will be pleasant to see those dandelions grow!
Dandelion Green Salad Wrap
A Bowl full of Dandelion Greens
Two Avocados
Balsamic Vinaigrette
Tomatoes are a nice touch
Chop stems off of the dandelion greens. Remove the green flesh from inside the avocado and dice up. Throw in some tomatoes....or my favorite, dried berries. Mix with some balsamic vinaigrette. Roll up in a wrap and enjoy!
Two Avocados
Balsamic Vinaigrette
Tomatoes are a nice touch
Chop stems off of the dandelion greens. Remove the green flesh from inside the avocado and dice up. Throw in some tomatoes....or my favorite, dried berries. Mix with some balsamic vinaigrette. Roll up in a wrap and enjoy!
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