Hello Everyone,
I wanted to talk to you a little bit about a website that I am proud to be associated with. PositiveFeelingsRule.com is maintained by my friend Sebastian Oddo. He is a tremendous proponent of living a positive lifestyle. The work he is doing at PFR inspires me to keep up with this blog and build my health counseling business.
This month Sebastian is featuring a story I wrote about life experiences that I went through since age three. Since the story is about past events, I was reluctant to share it, but there is no denying that all of the moments of our lives build the foundation of our current reality. I encourage all of you to visit PositiveFeelingsRule.com and read any of the stories that catch your attention. Sebastian Oddo is doing great work and it is a pleasure to draw attention to it.
Everyone has a story.....I encourage you to take your wonderful story and use it as a basis for a truly remarkable life!
stay positive,
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Welcome to the Party

This was a birthday party for anyone who spent this last year trying to live positively. I should have invited all the readers of this blog! Okay....okay I was a little lazy getting the invitations out to you all. I will give you plenty of notice for the next one.
Stay Positive,
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Staple Office Meal
Cooking Implements:
Rice Cooker
Can opener
Cutting board
1 can of Red Kidney Beans
2 cups brown rice
4 cups water
Jar of Salsa
1 Vegetable (broccoli, squash, sweet potato are all good choices)
Soak your rice for one hour before cooking. Drain rice and add to rice cooker. Add four cups of water. Open can of beans and drain liquid. Rinse beans off in can until foamy water stops appearing. Dump into the rice cooker. Hit Cook on Rice cooker. After 30 minutes add chopped up vegetable. After ten minutes you may spoon into you dish topped with salsa.
This recipe will hold you over on any day. If you try this or any other office cooking adventure please email me and I will include you in my blog....don't forget a photo!
stay positive,
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Bring some warmth to your vegetables

Monday when I was walking by the freezer case, I saw all of these vegetables confined to bags and just needed to set them free. The very chlorophyll in their veins must have turned to icicles! If you remember photosynthesis from science class you know that plants go through quite a process to extract energy from the sun. If you are looking for some more sun in your day all you have to do is eat plants. Especially dark green ones because that green color is the result of a photosynthesis explosion. For those of you who need a refresher course on photosynthesis view the diagram below:

I do not use frozen vegetables that much but have to promote them due to their longer shelf life and easy storage. Above is some organic broccoli that just needs to be warmed up. I am steaming these with my brown rice today. Nothing like a little broccoli, rice and sunshine for lunch!
Thawing out,
Friday, March 21, 2008
Eating Dandelions for lunch!?

You know something....everyone at work has all these tricks for how to keep their lawn looking perfect. There maybe something to that. In this affluent society we seek the best of anything. Whether it be a perfect house or a perfect car. Now look at us. We have this nice big lawn. People might say 'jeez Ray you really should pull those weeds up in your lawn, you would have a wonderful looking green lawn.' You want to know something. As I look out at all these dandelions....I can't help but admit, I kind of like they way they look
So in honor of Ray's wisdom I decided to eat some dandelion greens. The grass is now reappearing and it will be pleasant to see those dandelions grow!
Dandelion Green Salad Wrap
A Bowl full of Dandelion Greens
Two Avocados
Balsamic Vinaigrette
Tomatoes are a nice touch
Chop stems off of the dandelion greens. Remove the green flesh from inside the avocado and dice up. Throw in some tomatoes....or my favorite, dried berries. Mix with some balsamic vinaigrette. Roll up in a wrap and enjoy!
Two Avocados
Balsamic Vinaigrette
Tomatoes are a nice touch
Chop stems off of the dandelion greens. Remove the green flesh from inside the avocado and dice up. Throw in some tomatoes....or my favorite, dried berries. Mix with some balsamic vinaigrette. Roll up in a wrap and enjoy!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
If it weighs as much as a duck.....

In an effort to be really cool, I tried to send all of you a post from New York. Unfortunately, not owning a laptop computer made that quite difficult. Here is a picture of me eating a duck at the Whym restaurant on 9th avenue in New York City. I shared a great meal with my friends Marian and Yael. The food was exceptional as well as the service.
As many of you have probably noticed, I rarely eat any meat. I am not a vegan or vegetarian. I am a "positivarian".....okay I am making up this term on the spot. I eat whatever is going to bring me positive energy. I tend to let the animals be. They are busy eating their grasses and grains...so I tend to do the same. A sense of adventure takes over me now and again and I try a dish with meat in it. The duck tasted very much like I thought a duck would taste like. My feelings on it were neutral.
I want to thank Marian for taking this photo with her Iphone. I am amazed at the photo quality.
Keep Your Heart Open,
Friday, March 14, 2008
Everybody is working for the weekend....
Hey guys,
The weekend is upon us. I am sorry you've been without a pizza post in a couple weeks. We are working on the grandaddy (or grandmommy) of all pizzas. We are getting close!
I am headed to New York this weekend and am going to try and send a post from the road. Stay tuned it will be worth it!
I wish you all a marvelous weekend. Please take time to nourish yourself with the most important food of all....time with friends, family and loved ones.
Here is a great food related activity for you guys.
The Community Salad
Invite all of your friends over for dinner. Encourage them all to bring one produce item that they would put in a salad. Get a humongous bowl and throw all of it in together! I might encourage your guests to chop, dice, peel the items before hand unless you find the idea of all your friends wielding knives in a confined area appealing. You cannot invite any picky friends over....because you never know what you are going to get. No just kidding, make individual bowls excluding the items your "selective" friends cannot or will not eat.
I've done this before. It makes for an interesting time. I once did a community salad and when we finally were ready to dive into the big wooden bowl of salad.....I realized I forgot to pick up salad dressing! So make sure you have salad dressing....or better yet....make your own! Here is a great easy recipe!
Sesame Maple Dressing (from andreabeaman.com)
Combine all ingredients.
stay positive,
The weekend is upon us. I am sorry you've been without a pizza post in a couple weeks. We are working on the grandaddy (or grandmommy) of all pizzas. We are getting close!
I am headed to New York this weekend and am going to try and send a post from the road. Stay tuned it will be worth it!
I wish you all a marvelous weekend. Please take time to nourish yourself with the most important food of all....time with friends, family and loved ones.
Here is a great food related activity for you guys.
The Community Salad
Invite all of your friends over for dinner. Encourage them all to bring one produce item that they would put in a salad. Get a humongous bowl and throw all of it in together! I might encourage your guests to chop, dice, peel the items before hand unless you find the idea of all your friends wielding knives in a confined area appealing. You cannot invite any picky friends over....because you never know what you are going to get. No just kidding, make individual bowls excluding the items your "selective" friends cannot or will not eat.
I've done this before. It makes for an interesting time. I once did a community salad and when we finally were ready to dive into the big wooden bowl of salad.....I realized I forgot to pick up salad dressing! So make sure you have salad dressing....or better yet....make your own! Here is a great easy recipe!
Sesame Maple Dressing (from andreabeaman.com)
- 2 tbsp. toasted sesame oil.
- 1 tbsp. maple syrup
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 1/2 tbsp. ginger juice (grate ginger and squeeze to obtain juice)
- 2 tbsp. shoyu or tamari
Combine all ingredients.
stay positive,
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Goji Berries and Chocolate - use with caution

We all love chocolate! What makes people happier than chocolate? The chocolate we all know is really milk and sugar mixed with a bean called Cacao. I decided to investigate this. I ate a spoonful of sugar. That was certainly fun....but I didn't see myself yearning for more like people do as soon as they eat one piece of a chocolate bar. Then I drank a glass of milk....and well that wasn't all that exciting. The magic ingredient must be the actual chocolate.
Ry Chi hunted down some Cacao and brought into work. I must say I was nervous to try it! I swallowed a handful of these bark-like granules. This produced a visceral, bitter and powerful taste. This certainly could not be the magic ingredient that drives everyone into fits of euphoria!
I then sought the world over for the answer. Actually, I just visited www.sunfood.com where world renown raw foodist and Cacao expert David Wolfe opens up shop. I discovered that Cacao in ancient cultures was eaten with berries and that this combination was used for centuries in the Amazon for fertility and aphrodisial reasons. I am about to try Goji Berries (another exaggerated food) and Cacao. I don't know what will happen over the course of the next 24hours.
Wish me luck,
Monday, March 10, 2008
Looks like spring is on its way
Hi All,
I absolutely loved having that blog post featuring that wonderful group of preschool students at the top of the page. Please feel free to scroll down the page and view the previous post several times. It will brighten your day!
Spring is on its way. I know this because of the following signs
Below is a list of some of my favorite spring foods. Many of these foods help ward off familiar spring ailments....such as stomach flu. These are worth experimenting with. We can all watch as I try to make some edible meals with foods from this list.
Bok Choy
Dandelion Greens
Goat Milk
Brown Rice
Rye Bread
Sunflower seeds
Dandelion Tea
Grow Positively,
*for a complete list of spring foods visit John Douillard's website
I absolutely loved having that blog post featuring that wonderful group of preschool students at the top of the page. Please feel free to scroll down the page and view the previous post several times. It will brighten your day!
Spring is on its way. I know this because of the following signs
- I saw a hawk with sticks in its talons (must be making a nest)
- My mother just bought a bunch of seeds and potting soil
- ABC does this really cool commercial, featuring my good friend Oprah, where flowers blossom and they flash all sorts of upcoming shows with a song that says something like "Something New Begins"
- My feet our soaked after my daily run
- People aren't talking about football anymore
- My cravings for spring foods are on the rise.
Below is a list of some of my favorite spring foods. Many of these foods help ward off familiar spring ailments....such as stomach flu. These are worth experimenting with. We can all watch as I try to make some edible meals with foods from this list.
Bok Choy
Dandelion Greens
Goat Milk
Brown Rice
Rye Bread
Sunflower seeds
Dandelion Tea
Grow Positively,
*for a complete list of spring foods visit John Douillard's website
Friday, March 7, 2008
Make a Face!

Here I am with the most positive group of preschoolers you could ever imagine. See me in the middle! In order to protect these children and abide by state and local laws I am not able to show you their priceless faces. Fortunately, these smily faces on the sticks were used in their activity and we were able to take this funny shot of us all in the classroom.
A very wonderful young woman who I went to both college and high school with was nice enough to invite me into her classroom and gave me an opportunity to talk to her students about positive eating. Eating is all about having fun, right?! Well we had a blast. We all discovered which foods make us smile and which foods make us grimace. No matter what our particular taste we found a way to enjoy these foods no matter what and we made these awesome faces!

If you want to do this activity with your children....I've copied it below.
Let me know how it goes!
Stay positive,
Make A Face With Your Food!
Healthy habits begin with our earliest memories. Use simple and fun exercises like this one to make eating wholesome foods a fun experience for everyone involved!
- Pita Pockets
Cherry Tomatoes
Alfalfa Sprouts - Start with some pita bread. Separate the pocket into two pieces. Pita pockets are made in wheat, whole wheat and oat bran varieties. Experiment and see which works best with your child
- Hummus, this chickpea and sesame based spread can be used for gluing fruit and vegetable pieces onto the pita pocket. Other ideas: peanut and other nut butters, cream cheese, honey
- With the inner surface of the pocket face up let child experiment using the food to make a face. This will foster a relationship between healthy food and the childs creative center. It also saves you prep time!
- Prompt your child just enough so that they are able to establish appropriate facial structure. Leave lots of room for imagination!
- Take time to admire their work and then let them eat their creation. If the child does not want to ruin their work use already cut pieces to make a standard Hummus and Veggie Sandwich.
Matthew Germain
Health Counselor
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hey man, stop grilling my veggies.

stay postive,
I am kind of curious about the use of these food related statements now
"I am steaming"
"That guy really cooked my goose"
"That's Hot"
"Out of the frying pan and into the fire"
"She's got a salty attitude"
"Holy Mackerel"
let me know if you can think of any others.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
A "Balanced" Meal

sweet potatoes chopped thin
put in a baking pan
drizzled with olive oil
salted with Garlic and Sea Salt
Dashed with Rosemary
and cooked for 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees

We needed something to balance the saltiness of the chips and the pilaf. What balances the salty taste? The sweet taste! Cailtyn chopped up some apples and put them on our plate as well. This balanced out our taste buds and helped to make us feel satisfied and nourished :)
Stay Balanced,
We also without trying enjoyed a delicous vegan meal!
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