I finally got around to posting the pictures of Caitlyn and I making homemade pizza! This is not the usual throw some pasta sauce and mozarella cheese on a piece of pita bread and put it in the oven! This is all natural ingredients. We start out with just the raw ingredients and build a pizza from there. This is where it all starts:

We used 100% Organic wheat flour and crushed up some rolled oats and mixed them in afterwards. This was the closest I could get to "oat bran flour" that the recipe called for. After we put it all together we began to knead the dough. Here is a picture of Caitlyn kneading:

When it was all said and done we had two nicely rounded pizza shells:

We went all out on the dough! It only made sense to go all out on the sauce too. I opened up Jack Lalanne's
Total Juicing and looked up his recipe for pizza sauce. I juiced a bunch of Roma Tomatos and stirred them around with the tomato pulp in a sauce pan. I tossed in whatever spices he recommended (I believe, bay leaves, basil, oregano and pepper) plus a little garlic! It was easy as juicing tomatoes!

Here is a shot of me putting on the sauce. It really is a meditative process. Every drop of sauce lands in its rightful place. In the words of the great Jackson Pollack, "I deny the accident"

We put it all together with some freshly grated mozzarella cheese (fresh mozzarella was on sale this week) and tossed it in the oven!

One hour and forty five minutes later we finally could eat. I wish I could say I had a picture of the finished pizza but we devoured it again...ooops! It looked pretty much the same as above accept the cheese was all melted.
I hope you enjoyed this post and if you ever have 2 hours of you life to kill you can make pizza from scratch too! I suggest getting a wonderful assistant, such as I had, to help you.
Keep on riding the positivity wave,
1 comment:
You should warn your readers that the dough made with wheat flour is much more difficult to work with than dough made with white flour...
We discovered a couple homemade pizzas ago that wheat flour dough does not rise that well, and therefore is not too cooperative when you are trying to make a pizza crust! Matt then did some quick research and discovered that yeast gets excited from all the sugars in the white flour causing the dough to rise... so we decided to try out some maple syrup in our wheat dough as an alternative to all those other less natural sugars... and sure enough... the dough came out phenomenal!
PS: Next time I'll be less of a scrub when I'm going to be featured in your blog! ;)
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