Hi Everyone,
Recently eating in positive ways has garnered some national attention thanks to the woman above. Don't worry this website is still about being positive and not about posting pictures of attractive celebrities. This is a picture of Jenny McCarthy on my good friend Oprah Winfrey's show*. She used natural and positive forms of eating to help heal her child.
Jenny McCarthy is not my girlfriend. I know this comes as a shock to many of you. Many people have said I remind them of her actual boyfriend, Jim Carey but that is another story. My real girlfriend, Caitlyn, works with Autistic children and says it is one of the most rewarding experiences of her life. I was hoping anyone who has an experience with this disease could post a reply and share. It doesn't have to be about food and I really think it would be helpful to Caitlyn as well as helpful to some many others who read this blog.
I would like to write an article about Autism and the effects of eating positively and naturally for an incredible woman who I really do know's magazine. For all you parents out there it is called Primal Parenting. Please check it out at http://www.primalparentingmagazine.com/.
I look forward to reading your comments and let's bring some positive energy to these wonderful children.
Always Smiling,
*I haven't actually met Oprah yet but we will be good friend's pretty soon.
Well, as I believe you already know, I've been in the autism community for over 6 years. That's a main part of my new market with health counseling. Diet can be a HUGE factor (although it is not for everyone). There are many various approaches and beliefs surrounding autism. A recent campaign by a group in NY has caused quite an uproar. See the blog www.autismvox.com to learn more. This blog is along the lines of my approach. I believe that respect for autistics is the first and foremost important thing. Support and not force. But providing as much help and as many options as possible. Diet, supplements, behavioral therapy (ABA), yoga, sensory, animals, chiropractic, the options go on and on.
And Matt, I'd be happy to chat with your gf about it. You've got my number!
Here is a good website about one of the diets Jenny McCarthy tried with her son http://www.gfcfdiet.com/
There is a child in my class who tried this diet, but had little (if any) interest in the food...
Fortunately, we've tried a behavior plan (ABA) and that has been working great! Here's a popular website for that: http://www.behavior.org/autism/
Like most things, it seems that it is all about dedication. It's hard to stick to the diet, and it's hard to stick to the ABA (as well as any other therapies one might try) but it is SO IMPORTANT.
I would tell a parent that the third most important thing is to be dedicated and consistent... (In my opinion the first is to love, and the second is to have faith)
PS: Holiday parties make consistency very difficult!
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