For those of you who don't know me. I can be a revolutionary of sorts. I am just not a fan of weapons, blood and people getting fire hoses aimed at them. I tend to make exaggerated statements in public and hope they provoke some change or get me a laugh or two.
This is my exaggerated claim for today! We are going to become a
mutant species people! I received this email today. The USDA is approving the use of cloned animals for human consumption. This is not as scary as it is just don't right weird! It reminds me of that Star Wars movie
Attack of the Clones!
Now I am not using this blog to call you to political action. Even though there is information below that calls you to take action...I am going to leave that decision totally up to you. As the foremost world wide authority on Positive Eating (that's two exaggerated claims on the day) I feel an obligation to spread this information.
Personally I am going to lay off the cloned animals. I hope for everyone's sake that they clone the most happy go lucky cow in the universe....that way it will it least be a positive clone.....but since I have no way of knowing that I am going to keep my distance. If you do try any of this cloned milk or meat let us know hot it goes!
Dear beth,
Tell food companies you won't eat food from Clones! FDA Approves Food from Clones against the Will of Congress and the American Public Despite scant data, congressional action demanding further research and over 150,000 public comments in opposition, FDA approved the sale of meat and milk from cloned animals yesterday. In addition, the FDA will not require any special procedures for tracking or handling food products from clones. It will not require labeling of any kind on food products from clones or their offspring, depriving consumers of their right to know about the origins of their food. This action comes at a time when Congress has voted twice to delay FDA’s decision on cloned animals until additional safety and economic studies can be completed. The FDA’s bullheaded action disregards the will of the public and Congress. FDA based their decision on an incom plete and flawed review that relies on studies supplied by cloning companies that want to force cloning technology on American consumers. FDA’s action has placed the interests of a handful of biotech firms above those of the public they are charged with protecting. While FDA may deem these products safe to enter the market, companies like Ben & Jerry’s and Organic Valley have pledged not to use cloned animals or their offspring. Dean Foods, Hormel, Tyson and Smithfield Foods have also stated they do not plan to accept milk or meat from cloned animals, but have not addressed their plans regarding the offspring of clones. Sign the Clone-Free Pledge! Let food companies know you won’t buy food from clones. While animal cloning has been banned for use in or ganic production, we need to let other companies know that we will not buy their products if they are from animal clones or the offspring of clones. What else can you do?
1. Buy organic meats and dairy if you eat animal products.
The National Organic Standards rightly prohibit clones and their offspring from use. 2. Tell Congress to Label Food from Cloned Animals!
There are bills to label food from clones and their offspring in both the House and Senate. Contact your Congress members and urge them to support this important bill! | **If the links in this email don't work visit | | |
stay positive,
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