Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Trans Fat Ban

Just say NO to Trans Fat?

Hi Everyone,

In 2006, the mayor of New York banned trans fat from city restaurants. This is pretty remarkable! There are over 16,000 restaurants in Manhattan, making the restaurant industry the largest business sector in New York. If only they thought to ban greed from the finance industry! Can you imagine what a shiny happy place New York would be?

New York's move to ban trans fat is producing a dramatic domino effect. Minneapolis and Philadelphia have now passed similar legislation and in 2007 California passed a law that will make it our first trans fat free state. Lawsuits filed against both Kraft and McDonald's are causing the fast food industry and even packaged junk food companies to move away or totally eliminate trans fat from their offerings.

Trans Fat is also known as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. I could let you guys know about how fats and oils take on a chemical cis shape in nature and when they are processed in this way take on the trans shape and how this process gives oils and fats a longer shelf life. I avoided taking organic chemistry in school and will spare you the lesson now.

Fats and oils become hydrogenated by bubbling hydrogen gas through them at high temperatures. Hence the word "hydrogenated". This is all well and good, but I don't want hydrogen gas in my food and especially not in my fats and oils. I remember sucking helium gas when I was kid from a balloon and thinking it was cool how I would talk funny, but then I got lightheaded and passed out. Ingesting gas is not really my thing.

Trans fat will not make you talk funny..they are associated with headaches, joint pain, arthritis, asthma, skin problems and menstrual problems. They are also a source of chronic disease. This blog is not really about the big nasties of eating. I would rather you try them out for yourself and make your own decisions. Trans fats can be found in the following foods.
  • packaged cookies and baked goods
  • food that just came out of a fryolator
  • margarine
  • microwave popcorn
  • frozen pizza and waffles
  • butter that comes in a tub
If you start to talk funny or pass out from eating these let me know.

You could also give fats and oils that still exist in their cis form, the way nature intended, a try. Here are a few of my favorites.
  • Olive oil (great for everything!)
  • butter (in the stick form)
  • sesame oil
  • peanut oil
  • coconut oil (great for desserts)
  • sunflower oil
  • ghee (clarified butter)
  • grapeseed oil
Thanks for checking out this blog post! If you would like the organic chemistry lesson regarding trans fats or more information about the ban on trans fats check out the websites below.

Stay Positive,



Doc said...

Great entry! Years ago, when I cut down on my trans fat intake, I began to not only look better, but more importantly, feel better about my body and my athletic performances. Thanks for sharing the information.

Caitlyn Clark said...

I had no idea Trans Fats were banned in NY! That's crazy!

Keep up the great posts!

Anonymous said...

Great Article! Trans fat(s) is banned in N.Y.?