Yesterday I ran a ten mile road race! For those of you who know me and follow this blog, you know running is my favorite activity ever! The mercury was peaking at about 90 degrees so I needed to take some extreme measures.
I start everyday with a mug of warm water and lemon. This helps your body flush out all of the cleaning your digestive system did over night. It is like a daily detox and it is practically free! This of course was a great start but I knew it was going to take a lot more than just 12 ounces of water.
I headed over to the grocery store to pick up some bottled water. This was extremely confusing. Some water was from a spring, some was from an artesian well and one brand even was formed from man made clouds. The more I read the labels the more confused I got. I decided to go with the cloud water. I liked the shape of the bottle.
In all actuality, we should make an attempt to drink somewhere between 32 and 64 ounces a day. The amount people need is somewhat varied based on your sweat rate. Also the more caffeine you consume will require you to up your water intake. Caffeine stimulates your adrenal glands which stimulates the bladder and you end up making more trips to the loo than normal. Although I love reader participation, please don't tell me your sweat rate or let me know how many Red Bulls you drink a day. Both facts have the ability to deeply disturb me. Just try and hit 64 and you should be good. Since we can only process 8 ounces a water an hour go easy now :).
Since, I was going to be sweating like a politician in a sauna, taking a lie detector test, with his wife and constituents watching, I decided to go for 72 ounces. I took it easy and sipped from my cloud water all afternoon and prepared to hit the streets at 6:30pm. I want to thank all of the awesome road race spectators and volunteers who gave me water along the way. You guys rock! I had no issues with hydration and felt strong despite the ten miles and the heat. Below is a picture of me out on the course courtesy of the man, myth and legend Tom Derderian.

Stay Positive,