Major Life Changing Event Unfolding

August 1st is may proposed last day of employment at New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc.
My tenure here will forever be held in my heart as a life changing time. I am so filled with joy for all that I have experienced here. I worked with people and a product that were deeply engrained in my own beliefs and values. Threads of wisdom and positivity were woven deep and wide into the fabric of my young life as a result of the people I met here.
Starting in October 2007, I endeavored to earn a Certificate in Health Counseling from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the world's largest nutrition school and the only school offering a certificate of this kind. I am happy to say I fulfilled all the requirements and received my certificate on June 21st. My path now leads to a place of service to those looking to bring health and vibrancy into their lives. Each and everyone of the people I work with will benefit from the lessons I learned here at New Balance.
Health, like most of life, is about constantly seeking a New Balance. These words not only appeared at the bottom of my paycheck each and every week....they adorned the very walls that surrounded me 7.5 hours a day and were found on the clothes and footwear that were worn on a daily basis as I participated in activities I love. These two words will forever guide each step I take on my new life path. Thank you for the blessed gift of allowing me to serve as an associate of this company. Thank you for your support and friendship that you've shown to me in the past, the present and I know you will continue to show in the moments to come.
With deep an sincere appreciation,
Sky's The Limit!